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May 2015

freshly baked



hello hello hello!

welcome to my freshly baked piece of the internet.

i have slowly been working on creating just the right place for me and i think i finally have it.

..well at least for now.


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i can not stress how disappointly slow the whole process has been. as a reminder i am the only person making this whole shabang happen. from making sidebar buttons, choosing font, designing a banner, shooting photos, making a mess, trying and failing at html. i am learning a tremendous amount however it truly is a one woman show over here so bear with me.

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i am so incredibly excited to be able to begin sharing again. lately small shares in little snippets through different social medias that only reconfirmed i needed to plant roots. a home base to build a firm foundation, grow a voice with more photos and words. 


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a space to fill with all of things i'd love to never forget..


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what i am trying to say is,

lets be friends okay? i swear we'll have a great time.




