mothers day brunch pt2
recipe box: a True Blood stake dinner

hello summer, goodbye clutter.

Berry cake

this cake was my gift to summer and my motivation to really attack away my clutter! i have been fixing, cleaning and changing..uh, pretty much everything.  sometimes you just need a life purge! you know? donating away your past that you have out grown is necessary for making room for all of your new adventures and that's exactly what i am doing. my hardest parts are behind me now, and the road ahead has so much fun (and hopefully pretty) in store! adjusting my home space so that it really fits my needs is my first priority and i have already started planning like a maniac. it's exciting but it's A LOT of work, so here's to good time management!! oh and that fully stickered up desk is getting a face lift, what can't be purged will be given new life!

Berry cake (1 of 1)-2

for this summer berry cake, i cooked down strawberries with brown sugar and browned butter and folded it into vanilla cake batter. for the blueberry lemon butter cream i also cooked down blueberries, this time with lemon zested sugar & lemon juice. you have no idea how fantastic my kitchen smelled, better than warm pie!


best wishes to all who take on a life purge, my advice? do it with cake. anything done with cake is clearly better than anything done without cake.



